Tuesday, May 20, 2008


BABY GIRL on the way? ... Someday! just not right now. On Sunday Tate announced to the entire Jr primary that his mom was having a baby girl! And to make matters worse, I was actually home sick that day. I'm not really sure where this is coming from, but I thought I better clear that up. I have learned something from this though... when we do decide to have another baby, Tate will probably be one of the last to know. :)


Perry's said...

That is hilarious I was laughing so hard. how kids come up with some things is a mystery to me but it sure is funny. Congrats on your newest little walker that's exciting!

Darbee said...

That is SO funny! Oh, I wish it were true!!! Maybe it's a sign...

Sara said...

I remember when Tate said that in primary and I turned to Sarah Walton who was sitting right in front of me and we both looked at each other "did you hear that" I figured he was just blabbing cause they were talking about brothers and sisters during sharing time! But that is so funny!!! We sure love having Tate in our class!

Kandice said...

Amanda- Rachel does that ALL the time. One of these days she is going to still the thunder! Those kids come up with the best stories.

Lisa said...

Oh wow....I would totally die if Scotty said I was preg and I wasn't. Kids are so funny! I can't wait for you to have a girl one of these days! She will be super cute!

Contact said...

haha that is too funny! i miss you guys so much!