Wednesday, November 12, 2008


yesterday, i was trying to take a quick shower while the kids were watching letter factory. it is so rare that i actually get 10 minutes alone to take a shower, but that's besides the point. so while i'm in showering, for one reason or another, tate came in to talk to me, which is fine. well apparently he didn't close the door when he left because about 3 minutes later i hear boston's little voice saying "wa-wa wa-wa mmmm" i throw the shower curtain open and scream because boston had found a medicine cup on the counter and had been drinking water from the TOILET!!
i know he is not the first toddler to drink toilet water, but he is my first toddler to drink toilet water! i don't know why, but tate never had a fetish with toilets like boston does. i cannot leave the bathroom door open for 5 seconds because that little man will beat me to the potty every single time. he's like a magnet.


Alexis Blackner said...

HAHAHAHA, your boys are adorable and that cracks me up. I will have to remember to keep the bathroom door shut!

Unknown said...

Oh man I am sorry! For some reason neither of my kids have been into the toilet much. Maybe they are afraid of them because I don't clean them often enough!

Bethany said...

Oh sick! I'm so sorry! I don't know how you cure him of that. I just looked at those photos of poor Tate and his tonsils. I'm so sorry he had to get those out. What a tough little guy. If you come home for Christmas, and have enough time, we should all go to lunch.

Robyn said...

Totally laughing!!! This story can be used at a later date for black mail for sure.

Bart and Krista said...

That story is hilarious... but I'm sure I wouldn't be laughing if it was my little kid.

Lindsey said...

EEEEEwwwwwww but I've heard of kids eating and drinking worse. Ew!!! I have no idea who eandh is and the blog tracker is pretty much worthless. All it shows is an IP address and time. Oh well, it's been pretty entertaining!! Your family is soooooooo cute, but that's expected since you're related to Lisa. Take care!

trent and rach henderson... said...

that is classic amanda! he is just building his immune system. ha ha. hopefully we'll see you at christmas! maybe some more settlers?