Sunday, March 30, 2008

Disney World... Part 2

Wild Kingdom

We went on a safari that has tons of wild animals out in the open.

Tate got to meet Mickey and pals, and he thought it was so cool that they were in safari clothes.

This was the wild rapids ride. Emily and I thought it would be a good idea if the dads took the boys on this one. But then they loved it so much that we were suckered into riding it too.

And this is what I looked like after one ride. I was the only one that got drenched from head to toe. Wouldn't that just be my luck.

This was a fun little play area for the kids, Tate got absolutely soaked!!

Here he is showing me his muscles in his wet t-shirt :)

Disney World ... part 1

We've been home for a week now, and I am VERY behind on all of my blogging. We had so much fun over spring break. We went to Disney World with the Johnsons.

The first day we spent at Epcot. This was by far the hottest day. It was in the upper 80's and humid! and I'm not complaining one bit... it's rough coming back to 30 degree weather.

They had a fun little nemo ride, Tate loved it.

Tate and Landon

This is how Tate spent a lot of his time getting around the park. I think Dals shoulders were a little tired by the end of the trip.

This was at one of the baby stations. Boston was finally able to get out of his stroller and play for a minute.

Monday, March 10, 2008

What to do while snowed in...


Well since church was cancelled we had a whole day of nothing to do, no place to go. (that's right Utahns church was cancelled because of the snow) Tate and I decided to make a "bird house" now I know what your thinking... 'that doesn't look like a bird house, that looks more like a small fort!' but Tate was insistent on calling it a bird house. So yesterday he was a bird and he and Boston ate fruit loops for bird food in his bird house. (and yes, I had a lot vacuuming to do...but it was worth it, they were very entertained)

This is Boston tackling Tate in their bird house

We even got Dallin to take a study break and be a bird with us for a minute.

On a side note... Tates eye is turning a few different shades of green. He likes the fact that it matches his camos.

Happy Birthday Amanda!

I just wanted to let you know that I love you Babe! Thanks for being the worlds best mommy to our wonderful boys. You really make our home a special place. I love you!
Happy Birthday!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Snow Day... or Two

Normally in March I would really be complaining about the snow, bit since we haven't had that much here in Ohio this was kind of exciting. 20 inches to be exact, but that didn't account for the snow drifts that were up to 3 feet in front of our garage. Lets just say I've been spoiled all my life since my awesome dad has a little snow plowing business, I've never had to shovel the driveway... the sidewalks, yes! but not the driveway.

This is Tate swimming in the snow.

And here he is with his swimming tube he found in the garage... he thought he was pretty funny.

Just for the record... they do not plow our roads here, this is the day after and it is still snow packed.

This is after I started digging out the garbage can.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Black Eye

yesterday tate was climbing up on his chair for a snack and somehow he missed the chair and slammed his face on it. his eye instantly started swelling up and bruising. it was the saddest thing. these pictures don't really do it any justice, it's kind of hard to see.

this is about 10 min after it happened

and this is later that night

Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Special Day

This is Abbi. Today was her baptism day. I am really feeling sad that we weren’t able to be there for and with her. But, I am so happy for her. Abbi has always held a special place in my heart. She was the first little baby in our family. Not only that, but she was quite the little miracle baby. To make a long story shorter… When my sister was pregnant, her Dr’s told her that this baby would not live so she would be better off terminating her pregnancy, and if the baby did live it would have many health problems. So she decided to continue with her pregnancy anyway and pray for the best. She had a very hard pregnancy emotionally and physically... At 29 weeks little Abbigayle was born. She was only 2.4 lbs. but she was HEALTHY! She stayed in the nicu for about 3 months and came home weighing a little over 5 lbs. Abbi is such a blessing .
We LOVE you and miss you Ab! I hope you had a wonderful day!

BTW, these are some pretty old pictures.